Monday, December 1, 2008

Did you know you can test products and get to keep them?

I have done several consumer tests but the latest was a diaper study (yeah didn't keep this one after LOL). I got 2 packs of diapers and used them and scored them after each diaper change... VERY easy just chenk off a box then at the end you tall your check marks make a few comments and mail back the forms in a pre paid envelope. Easy peasy! They are VERY nice when they call to set up the study and make sure you understand how it will work. This will likely be my last diaper study as potty training is next on the list, but they also do feminine products. Anyway, contact or call 1-888-412-5552 and leave your name and address and what you are interested in doing (fem care or diapers) making sure to spell anything complicated. Then they'll send you sign up info.

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