Friday, November 21, 2008

Did you know there are word of mouth companies?

I have been a bzzagent for for YEARS. They have campaigns they offer you and you always have the option to say no. They send you the product they would like you to bzz about to other people. You try it and then pass along your opinion and report those conversations back to them. They have had some fabulous products to try in the past like 100$ universal remotes, 150$ sonicare toothbrushes and even things like Uncrustables and Teddy Graham Trail Mix. Typically you get the product free for you and then some discount coupons to share with friends and people you bzz. You need to divulge you are a bzzagent to the people you bzz, and be honest but there is no pressure. You get mypoints points for completing activities, but trying new products is a better reward! They send an email when you have campaigns you have been offered but there are other activities on the website you can participate in even without a campaign.

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